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alternate leaves In an alternate leaf arrangement, there is one leaf per plant node, and they alternate sides.
awn bristle
awn-like bristle-like
bifacial upper and lower surfaces of a leaf are different
bract leaflike structure under a flower or branch view photo
bracts leaflike structures under flowers or branches
burl rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch
burls rounded outgrowths on tree trunks or branches
canescent densely covered in fine, short hairs
compound having several or many distinct parts (leaflets) joined to a single stem
cotyledon first leaf of a plant (inside the seed and acting as food storage)
cotyledons first leaves of a plant (inside the seed and acting as food storage)
crenate having shallow, rounded teeth
dioecious having male & female flowers on separate plants
entire continuous and smooth without being toothed or lobed
glabrous smooth (without hairs, scales or bristles)
glaucous covered with a whitish or bluish, waxy or powdery film
isofacial upper and lower surfaces of a leaf are the same
leaflet each of the leaflike structures that together make up a compound leaf
lobe 1) free tip of a petal 2) extension or protrusion from the edge of a leaf
lobed haiving either 1. free tips of petals 2. extensions or protrusions from the edges of a leaves
monoecious having male & female flowers on separate parts of the same plant
node Nodes are the points on a stem where the buds, leaves, and branching twigs originate.
palmate having several leaflets whose stalks all radiate from one point
palmately having several leaflets whose stalks all radiate from one point
petiole the stem or stalk of a leaf that attaches it to the main plant stem
pinnate having leaflets arranged on either side of the stem
pinnately having leaflets arranged on either side of the stem
serrate having finely notched or saw-like projections (e.g. on a leaf edge)
sessile attached directly to the plant stem without a petiole
shrub a woody plant with multiple stems (branches) at or near the ground
spur short shoot (especially on woody plants)
spurs short shoots (especially on woody plants)
stalk stem. The stem provides support for leaves and buds
teeth sharp, notched or saw-like projections on a leaf edge
tomentose covered in feltlike, downy hairs
tooth a sharp, notched or saw-like projection on a leaf edge
toothed having sharp, notched or saw-like projections (e.g. on a leaf edge)
tree a woody plant of medium to tall height, with generally one trunk (stem) from the base
undulate wavy, not flat
vine a trailing, twining or climbing plant


Tim Paul: Plant photo database [web application].
Berkeley, California.
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