Tim and Paul's Plant Photo Database

This plant ID database is designed to show at least one photo of each plant’s Habitat, entire Plant, Leaf, Flower and Fruit. Other plant characteristics are included as appropriate. Only those native plants that we’ve photographed are included. This database can also help you search for, compare or study plants.

There are six buttons at the top:

Home. This takes you to the opening page, including the Quick Search option.

Search. This allows you to search for plants according to name, location, characteristics. There are four different types of results: (1) Plant List is a list of plants that fit the search criteria; (2) A Work List shows what plant photos are still needed; 3) Study Gallery displays photos of plants that fit the search criteria; (4) Flash Cards lets you pull up photos to quiz yourself.

Compare. This allows you to compare plant parts from up to four different plants.

Add Photos. This allows you to submit photos to be included in this database.

Help Us ID These. This takes you to a gallery of plant photos that we have not been able to identify.

FAQ and Documentation. If you are new to plants or new to this database, this offers helpful suggestions.